Monthly Archives: April 2010


By Jenna Do you talk about other Moms behind their backs? Hmm… I went to a playdate recently. [I’ve got to stop going to these…]  And I met The-Mom-I-Can’t-Stand. Her kids were going to be homeschooled and that was the absolute best type of schooling, and anything else would be evil, and how dare I…

The Long Winter

By Beck My youngest brother came over last night and we watched a really, really funny and rather reprehensible movie (okay, it was Pineapple Express). And as I laughed and laughed, I realized how muted and subdued I’ve been for ages, how brooding and withdrawn I’ve been. Which is boring. Is there anything more boring…

Pregnancy Journal: False Labor

From 5 Minutes for Parentin By Kelly I suppose a lot of epiphanies happen in hospital beds. I had one Monday morning, just as the sun’s light warmed the horizon to a glowing tangerine and the birds burst into song to welcome a new day. And it is this: I know a lot of stories…

No More Opinions

By Michael When the girls were younger, I told them they could be anything they wanted to be in life. They decided they wanted to be themselves. And so, when I pointed out that Susan Brooke Rosenbaum was a great name for a Supreme Court justice, Susan would cry, because, “I don’t want to be…


By Megan Originally published at FriedOkra last month. This morning Peabody came to me, whining, and held his arms up, buried his head in my legs, asking me to pick him up. Friday morning are PACKED with stuff we need to get done – preschool run, laundry, cleaning, last minute errands, it’s all a big…


By Jenna “If you could choose to possess any super-power, what would it be?” A friend of mine answered this question almost immediately. “Invisibility,” she said. I was surprised at her answer, although I know she’s a big Harry Potter fan, I also know she is completely sure of herself and her convictions; I didn’t…

Pregnancy Journal: The Name Game

From 5 Minutes for Parentin By Kelly I am very pregnant. Ergo, I am the recipient of all types of random, potentially offensive comments. “You stomach looks like a torpedo,” said a fellow mom at school last week. “You’re not due for another four weeks?” said the incredulous cashier at Target. Or, maybe the best…

And In the Spring, the Babies Bloomed

By Michael The (Idunno) trees by the deck were flowering last week in an explosion of fluff that startled and enlivened as I stood in the kitchen, yelling “faster, faster” at the caffeine machine. This week, the blossoms are gone. The leaves will be a dull green until just before November, when they’ll change to…

Stuff I’m Lovin’ – Kid Version, Part II

By Megan I’m continuing with my list of things I love for my kids this week. These are all just simple things I find draw us closer and make our family life run more smoothly and joyfully. I’d love to hear about YOUR favorite things for your kids or grandkids, too! 1. Fresh air and…

The Ghost Garden

By Beck The flowers are coming back – mostly crocuses right now, which I forget about every year until April and then they take the very breath from me with their beauty which looks so breakable and yet thrives through snow and neglect. I do not garden. Occasionally I will plant SOMETHING that I think…