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July 30, 2010 by
By Sarah For some reason, when my tinies are all wound up, I press my hand to their chest and quietly say “Calm your heart.” I don’t know why I do it. I’ve never heard or seen anyone else do it. I don’t remember when it started. But whenever Anne (4) or Joseph (2) seem…
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By Michael I was watching a hummingbird feeding its young and I wondered when the clock would run out. At what point would the mamabird stop bringing nectar or nits or whatever to her brood and force them out on their own? Would she actually kick them out of their very tiny nest and hope…
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July 26, 2010 by
By Megan I cleaned out and organized my desk on Saturday, unearthing, among many other long lost treasures, my dog-eared copy of Paul Weissbluth’s Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. Bean gaped over my shoulder at it, as if she were looking at the Ghost of Christmas Past, and then she looked up at me with…
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July 25, 2010 by
By Melodee This afternoon, my husband drove our mini-van past a beige house with a tall evergreen tree crowding the front lawn. “You should take a picture,” he said. “I can’t take a picture. The people living there would think we are so weird!” I said. Besides, I don’t need a picture to remind me…
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July 23, 2010 by
By Sarah On that afternoon, I was going to be productive. You know those days….eight times more on your “to-do” list than you could possibly accomplish even if you didn’t have two tinies, one of whom is potty training and the other, just 11 days old. But, full of good intentions and a little self-delusion,…
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July 22, 2010 by
By Beck Almost a year ago exactly, she was born. And that is the way with other people’s babies, who grow up in sudden startling lurches – one minute, someone is a sleepy little baby, and the next finds them shoving exuberant handfuls of birthday cake into their mouths. She was born after a hard,…
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July 21, 2010 by
By Kelly My Mom is a genius. All my life, she’s had one phrase that covers every childhood problem. She would simply say, “You’re tired.” Fighting with a sibling? “You must be tired.” Cranky the day after a sleepover? “You sound tired.” Whining about having nothing to wear? “Someone’s tired.” Broken arm? “You must be…
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By Michael This morning, Susan dropped off her souvenirs from yesterday’s family adventure:: three $5 chips from the Indian casino down the road from our place in Arizona. Jill and the girls were in town to visit a high-school friend of Susan’s who just had a baby. i was here on a business trip. For…
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July 18, 2010 by
By DeeDee I have the honor of acting as monitor on a parenting message board. One discussion that comes up more frequently than any other, is the subject of bullying. Most of the time, parents are concerned with a situation their child is experiencing in a school setting. And more often than not, it is…
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guest post by Sarah Bessey (Emerging Mummy) I’m looking out of the window above my kitchen sink but all I see is my own tired reflection and a warm room behind me. The house is a disaster after a day of three meals, a sick preschooler, a busy toddler and baking. When I take a…
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