Written on
July 31, 2009 by
5 Minutes for Parenting’s weekly column, A Dose of Humor, is here to remind you to take your humor pill regularly as the best medicine to treat the side effects of parenting! It features a different blogger every week and is hosted by Rachel at Grasping for Objectivity in My Subjective Life. Now you can…
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Written on
July 30, 2009 by
By Beck When I wrote last week’s melancholy post, I had NO IDEA that the very next day would be Babyfest 09: Emergency Time! Nobody TOLD me that every pregnant person I know* had gotten together and planned on having emergency c-sections en masse on Friday and so Saturday found me still whimpering. (all two…
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Written on
July 29, 2009 by
By Kelly As we were driving home from the final soccer game of the season yesterday morning, I looked in the rearview mirror and asked the kids, “So are you having a fun summer so far?” “So far!” wailed Natalie, eight years and one day old. “Summer is over!” “No it’s not,” I retorted. “Let…
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By Veronica I have never been this tired. Okay, that’s not true. I have been this tired, but not recently. Today we took care of my brother’s kids (ages 8, 6 and 4), which added three more to our four. It was loud and chaotic and fast and blurry and riotous. It was glorious. There…
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Written on
July 27, 2009 by
By Megan Peabody’s sportin’ a shiner this Monday morning. Despite the fact that I guarded it like a soccer goalie for an hour and a half, at a vulnerable moment he slipped around me like a shot to take a gainer off the bottom step down to the cement patio below. Besides the sickening thud…
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Written on
July 24, 2009 by
5 Minutes for Parenting’s weekly column, A Dose of Humor, is here to remind you to take your humor pill regularly as the best medicine to treat the side effects of parenting! It features a different blogger every week and is hosted by Rachel at Grasping for Objectivity in My Subjective Life. Now you can…
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Written on
July 23, 2009 by
By Beck The Boy got rushed to the hospital from his doctor’s office yesterday afternoon, which was pretty exciting. And by “pretty exciting” I mean – of course – that I was terrified to an almost wordless extent. Because he is very, very big for his age, no one ever presumes that he is actually…
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Written on
July 22, 2009 by
By Kelly Wednesday morning, if all goes as planned, my husband and I will pounce on the kids as soon as they wake up and whisk them away to a surprise breakfast at a real, live restaurant. Even as you are reading this, I will be sitting at a sticky table with three animated children…
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By Veronica My oldest daughter will begin violin lessons this year. We’ve been praising the violin at home, trying to create enthusiasm for the lessons. The teacher uses the Suzuki method, so I’ve been reading up on it. Apparently, the method works best when the family includes similar music in their everyday life. This comes…
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Written on
July 20, 2009 by
By Megan Last year this time, I stood on the edge of a precipice, waiting and wondering, my mind one big question. This year, I often sit quietly (or grab my camera and click away, as you can see!) at the edge of my two beautiful children’s world and watch my question answered in a…
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