Annie blogs about her family life at Mama Dweeb. She is exploring her new love of photography, sharing super easy recipes (because she hates to cook), and discussing Kansas life with her friends. She leans more to the attachment parenting side of things and writes about babywearing and cloth diapering – but believes all moms have an instinct that is perfect for their families. Annie is also slightly addicted to twitter, where she engages daily as @MamaDweeb. You can chat with her there at almost any time of day!
Penelope’s goal is to expand her site into a hub of extensive information for women seeking self-improvement guidance, whether it be beauty ideas, ways to improve their relationships, finding ways to be happy in life, etc. Ultimately, Penelope would like to be a writer of children’s books, her life-long dream. |
Amy K
Amy and her family enjoy the outdoor, from hiking to exploring, and can be pretty spontaneous! Before children, she worked as a Dental Hygienist and enjoyed rubber stamping and holding card parties on a bi-monthly basis. Today, she blogs at Grinning Cheek to Cheek about her family’s trials and successes from having a newborn and a toddler, to moving into a foreclosed home, life of potty training, and her love-hate relationship with cooking and cleaning. She enjoys getting to know other wonderful women that she is meeting online, and always loves a good Google or twitter (@GrinCheek2Cheek) chat! Anything other than ‘toddler’ talk would be the highlight of her day!
Kelly has been happily married to her computer geek husband for 10 years and is a stay-at-home mom to her 2.5 year old daughter and two English Bulldogs. Kelly worked as a professional buyer before giving birth to her daughter nine weeks prematurely. Her Type A personality keeps her in constant motion staying busy parenting, blogging, and working a part-time job (from home). Her personal goal for 2011 is to expand her family again as soon as God sees fit. While Kelly grew as an Air Force brat and the first eight years of her marriage was spent as a modern day gypsy moving across the country, she is now content in at her home in Austin, Texas. Kelly blogs about family, food, reviews, and trying to live the green life in Texas on her blog Texas Type A Mom. |
Sarah Fader
Sarah Fader (Old School/New School Mom) is a Mom Blogger. Her blog started in April 2009 when her son was 11 months old. She has reviewed products and services from various companies including Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers, Adiri bottles, Naot shoes, Green Pan and many more.
She also records anecdotes from her daily life on her blog and has connected with moms throughout the United States and Canada through her blog. She has conducted both video and print interviews with psychologists, occupational therapists, musicians, writers and bloggers. Sarah currently runs blog workshops for elementary school children in New York City. In addition to blogging, she also provides freelance transcription services for major television networks.