You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. I always felt it was a strange expression (because really, can you catch any flies with vinegar?). Then one day I got it. We all prefer sweetness over bitterness, and in our relationships we prefer to be around someone who builds us up and makes…
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Written on
August 11, 2011 by
Kelly T
Subconsciously we’re all influenced by the things we see every day. Whether those things are positive or negative, the message or interactions of what we’re exposed to are ingested and manifested in different ways. Just as adults become affected by the images and ideals put forth in the media, the same is holds true for…
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Written on
August 1, 2011 by
Welcome to Tooth Fairy Tokens! You can ask Amy any questions you have about children and dental hygiene or dentists in general. She will also publish helpful posts here as well, so keep checking back! Growing up, my dentist would often tell me , “You only have to floss those teeth that you want to…
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