Written on
June 4, 2010 by
(alternately titled – “Spring Cleaning”) Since it is still (technically) spring, let’s devote today’s entry to cleaning out “stuff” – tangible things you hold on to, or negative habits or thoughts you might have. I mentioned last week that I love a clean home, and it really is true. If we haven’t used an object…
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Written on
May 28, 2010 by
“Hello, My name is Jenna, and I have Mommy A.D.D. Hi, Jenna. It’s been 5 minutes since my last distraction. *clapping* Ooh, something shiny! Dang it!” Anyone else feel this way? I had 30 minutes to myself the other day – 30 blissful, uninterrupted minutes of doing whatever it was my heart desired. But I…
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Written on
May 21, 2010 by
I’d like to see a show of hands of those of you who watch The Biggest Loser on NBC? (You know, the one with Bob & Jillian, the trainers, & Alison, the chick from Days of Our Lives?) If you have had a pulse or have been breathing air since 2004, you have more than…
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Written on
May 14, 2010 by
My children’s nutrition matters to me. As the Master Head Chef And Sous Chef in the house, I make sure their meals are well-balanced and nutritious while still tasty. This means that yes, ketchup is both a vegetable and a fruit (interchangeably, of course), and blueberry muffins are considered a serving of fruit. [I mean,…
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By Jenna “Can I have your attention, please? Due to complete overscheduling problems, mgmt. will be forced to move Mother’s Day to another Sunday this year, preferably on a Sunday of the Mother’s choice.” I need this to be read over the PA system of my life right now. I think May rivals December for…
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By Jenna Do you talk about other Moms behind their backs? Hmm… I went to a playdate recently. [I’ve got to stop going to these…] And I met The-Mom-I-Can’t-Stand. Her kids were going to be homeschooled and that was the absolute best type of schooling, and anything else would be evil, and how dare I…
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By Jenna “If you could choose to possess any super-power, what would it be?” A friend of mine answered this question almost immediately. “Invisibility,” she said. I was surprised at her answer, although I know she’s a big Harry Potter fan, I also know she is completely sure of herself and her convictions; I didn’t…
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