Category Archives: Jenna

Let go.

(alternately titled – “Spring Cleaning”) Since it is still (technically) spring, let’s devote today’s entry to cleaning out “stuff” – tangible things you hold on to, or negative habits or thoughts you might have. I mentioned last week that I love a clean home, and it really is true. If we haven’t used an object…

Mommy A.D.D.

“Hello, My name is Jenna, and I have Mommy A.D.D. Hi, Jenna. It’s been 5 minutes since my last distraction. *clapping* Ooh, something shiny! Dang it!” Anyone else feel this way? I had 30 minutes to myself the other day – 30 blissful, uninterrupted minutes of doing whatever it was my heart desired. But I…

I’m the biggest loser.

I’d like to see a show of hands of those of you who watch The Biggest Loser on NBC? (You know, the one with Bob & Jillian, the trainers, & Alison, the chick from Days of Our Lives?)  If you have had a pulse or have been breathing air since 2004, you have more than…

Eating. Or, not.

My children’s nutrition matters to me. As the Master Head Chef And Sous Chef in the house, I make sure their meals are well-balanced and nutritious while still tasty. This means that yes, ketchup is both a vegetable and a fruit (interchangeably, of course), and blueberry muffins are considered a serving of fruit. [I mean,…

Sorry, Mother’s Day has been moved

By Jenna “Can I have your attention, please? Due to complete overscheduling problems, mgmt. will be forced to move Mother’s Day to another Sunday this year, preferably on a Sunday of the Mother’s choice.” I need this to be read over the PA system of my life right now. I think May rivals December for…


By Jenna Do you talk about other Moms behind their backs? Hmm… I went to a playdate recently. [I’ve got to stop going to these…]  And I met The-Mom-I-Can’t-Stand. Her kids were going to be homeschooled and that was the absolute best type of schooling, and anything else would be evil, and how dare I…


By Jenna “If you could choose to possess any super-power, what would it be?” A friend of mine answered this question almost immediately. “Invisibility,” she said. I was surprised at her answer, although I know she’s a big Harry Potter fan, I also know she is completely sure of herself and her convictions; I didn’t…