Monthly Archives: January 2009

Comparing Children

By Veronica Is it ever okay to compare your children? Because I do it. There are the obvious things that are just part of getting to know your kids: this one is more stubborn than that one, this one needs cuddles more often than the others, this one is a great eater while the others…

Top Ten Ways the First Year of Parenting is Like Freshman Year at College

10. The first few days feel like the coolest, most awesome thing that’s ever happened to you, but about a week in, you realize, “HEYWAITAMINUTE! OHMYGOSH. This is gonna be HARD.” 9. You have to learn to appreciate someone else’s idea of good music. And listen to it over and over again from midnight to…

Once Upon A Time

By Stephanie I’ve asked Kim from Prairie Mama to guest post today. She has one of those blogs where I stepped into her words and then wanted to read everything she’s written. Enjoy. Once upon a time, there was a woman. She liked to knit. She liked to knit a lot. She had these two…

A Dose of Humor – That DAMbanna!

5 Minutes for Parenting’s weekly column, A Dose of Humor, is here to remind you to take your humor pill regularly as the best medicine to treat the side effects of parenting! It features a different blogger every week and is hosted by Rachel at Grasping for Objectivity in My Subjective Life. Sherri  is now…

you can blame a single mother.

By Cassie If you look at the way parenting trends have changed over the last few generations it is astounding. My mother was a single mother. She was divorced when I was six and raised me mostly alone from there. I remember as a child constantly being told we could not afford things. People knew…


By Beck This is a reprint of my Valentine’s Day post from last year and it’s one of my very favorite things I’ve ever written. Do you still have living grandparents? Between the two of us, my husband and I have three – two grandmothers and a grandfather – and our relationships with them are…


By Kelly Listen. Do you hear that? It’s silence. At least, that’s what I hear right now. I hear nothing but the whoosh of warm air into my bedroom and the methodical tick-tock of my periwinkle alarm clock. Everyone else is asleep, the room is dark and the hush is almost palpable. I can feel…

Teaching Children What to Feel

By Veronica My oldest daughter, five-year-old JellyBean loves the story of Moses’ birth. Unfortunately, when she is acting out this story, she does not play Miriam or Jochebed or Moses. Instead, she strips down to a shirt tied around her waist, puts a pair of pants on her head for a headdress, and pretends that…

I Wonder if Peabody Will Love Playing with Lincoln Logs. A Girl Can Hope, Right?

By Megan As I read Cassie’s post, Worst Mother Alive over the weekend, I was touched with empathy, as many of you were, obviously, judging from the comments you left for her. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Let’s face it, as much as we love our children and as fortunate as we are to…

New Life

By Stephanie Today was Gretchen’s day to post, but she has a very good reason to take the day off- oh, say 6 lbs and some sweet little fingers and toes of a good reason- as she just gave birth to her new baby son Archie. It wasn’t without much excitement and prayers and fanfare!…