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September 10, 2008 by
By Kelly Yesterday, I spent 90 heavenly minutes in Ann Taylor Loft shopping for new clothes. The older kids were in school, the baby napped in her stroller, my travel mug was filled with steaming Sumatra with hazelnut cream. I may have floated a little as I browsed through the sweater selection. It was glorious….
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September 9, 2008 by
By Veronica This weekend my darling fourth daughter was born (you can read about the drama of the birth here), and my mother drove up from her Texas home to help me for awhile. Her visit has reminded me of all sorts of stories about her, and I thought I would share one of my…
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September 8, 2008 by
By Megan On our trip down South last month, we had a three-hour-and-something layover at the Charlotte airport. I know it sounds awful, but it really was a pleasant and memorable experience. That airport has a beautiful, open atrium at its heart, full of shops and restaurants and a plentitude of beautiful Southern sunshine spilling…
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By Mary Confession time. Today, sadly, one of my children could be seen walking through the store with his/her coat on INSIDE OUT. And yes, I was aware of it. And no, I did not say a word to the child. If I had seen a kid walking around like that in my less enlightened…
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From Stephanie– Whether you love her or hate her, we can’t seem to get enough of Sarah Palin, and I appreciate Scribbit’s Sarah Palin- An Inside View this week. (She’s from Alaska, too, after all.) From Megan– Melissa’s 3 Month Letter to her baby, “Mookie” (and the first and second month letters also on her…
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By Stephanie We all know what day is coming next week. Not just the possible arrival of my new baby, but that day. September 11. Noah was just a baby, almost 7 months old. I remember nursing him in our TV room, then putting him in his bouncy seat. Jeff was getting ready for work…
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September 4, 2008 by
By Beck (Thanks to a technical glitch at my house – Now Home To Technical Glitches All The Time! – the melancholy post I wrote for today has been lost and in its place is this melancholy post from February of 2007. Let’s hope this one posts, or I’ll be forced to start using The…
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September 3, 2008 by
By Kelly The kids wouldn’t go to sleep tonight. They sat in their beds and read books and played Legos and skittered down the stairs to suggest that they might sleep better if they could just get some scissors out of my office and create a pretend computer out of paper before turning in for…
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By Veronica I lie in the half-light, a pillow propping up my back. My baby lies on her side, suckling, her head cradled in the crook of my arm. Her eyes, an undecided color, are wide open, looking into mine. She is curious and uncertain of the world around her, but certain of me. I…
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Written on
September 1, 2008 by
By Megan This particular Megan, not FriedOkra Megan, but a pretty awesome substitute, for sure, is mama to two gorgeous girls and is never one to shy away from bathroom conversations. She and her family are making their way back to their home state of Oklahoma after many happy years in Texas. When not in…
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