Monthly Archives: July 2008

How Can Someone This Round Be So Completely One-Dimensional?

By Megan OHMYGRANNY people. Friday, the pregn-o-meter rolled over to 37 weeks, and I rolled over to not being able to roll over without the involvement of a crane, a couple shots of WD-40 and a 20-pack of ball bearings. The Mama, she is chock full of baby and I mean that in every sense….

Nothing Good Happens After Midnight

By Gretchen “Mom? Mom?” A twelve-year-old boy gently shook his sleeping mother’s shoulder. After twisting in the sheets and mumbling protests, she turned to look at the bedside clock. 2:30 am. “What is it?” she groaned, wondering if one of the sleepover guests spilled something on the basement carpet. “We’re taking the last three rolls…

You Moved Us

From Stephanie– I want to introduce you to a brand new blogger this week that I think will touch your heart. Teresa is an Army Wife whose husband just left for another deployment. She’s about to start school and has a toddler, teenager, and a tween. Read all about it at Living The Army Wife…

I Love You More Than My Sunglasses

By Stephanie Carter lost my sunglasses in Famous Footwear the other day. Doing some last minute shoe shopping (with no success), it was hot, I’m pregnant, and three boys shooting this way and that throughout a shoe store had me way over the edge. I will be honest- although I am also ashamed of it-…

Summer Change

By Beck Summertime drives me a little bit crazy. It’s great in theory, but like many things that are great in theory (holiday dinners! getting married!), it’s a whole lot irritating. It’s too hot much of the time, and the kids are fretful and melting, little sweaty people whining to go inside and watch some…

How to make a birthday special – without hiring Hannah Montana

By Kelly When Natalie turned one, we threw a huge party. We didn’t have flame throwers or a Ferris wheel or limo rides. No one got a gift bag, and I made her cake myself. But we did host a BBQ for our family and friends in our backyard. We invited all the young families…

If Every Mom Were a Stay-At-Home Mom

By Veronica If every mom were a stay-at-home mom, the public schools would shut down due to a lack of teachers. If every mom were a stay-at-home mom, giving birth would become much more dangerous. All those mothers who are midwives and OBGYNS would disappear. The hospitals could not staff enough nurses for basic patient…

Here Stands a Mother on the Edge. Of Everything.

By Megan Every few days, Bean and I wander into the baby’s room, and as I hover at the edge of his crib, she climbs up to stand on the railing beside me, close enough that I can breathe in her scent and tuck an arm around her to pull her in against me. Together…

Quite The Circle

While creating 5 Minutes For Parenting, I had the vision to showcase the best of the best writers we know and love. To have them as a part of our family here has given it all such a sense of completeness. To some of these amazing bloggers that will be featured every Sunday, I give…

You Moved Us

From Stephanie– I know this post, So Beautiful by Nell at Casual Friday Everyday is just a picture and not a story of words, but it certainly is a story we all know so very well. And it is so beautiful. From Megan– Whether you’re a subscriber to the attachment parenting philosophy or not, most…