Monthly Archives: July 2008

Busy Brain, Excitement and the Tightrope Walk of Motherhood

By Kelly I couldn’t fall asleep last night. I should have started twitching as soon as my head hit my faux goose down pillow. Two weeks ago, I helped out at our church’s Vacation Bible School. (Read: Fun but crazy schedule.) Last week, my husband and I took our three kids – Natalie (6), Connor…

Marriage and Cherry Pitters

By Veronica Mitchell “Honey, what’s my most annoying quality?” He blinks at me. “I thought I could turn it into a post for the new parenting blog.” He considers for a moment. “Definitely the midwestern mumble when you are walking away.” This has bothered him for years. When we are in public, I don’t want…

But Be Warned: I Won’t Be Nearly This Blissful or Coherent When I’m Gettin’ Up Six Times A Night

By Megan About Me Hey y’all, I’m Megan, 40-year-old career-woman-gone-stay-at-home-Mama to the nuttiest, sweetest little three-year-old girl on the planet (Bean), and pregnant with a tiny son we’ve dubbed Peanut, who’s due in approximately 15 minutes. (Oh alright, he’s actually due in another four weeks or so. But that was fun, wasn’t it? That brief…

If You Have 5 Minutes

I have many moments of bliss as I watch over my growing family of three boys and a baby girl due in just several more weeks. The contentment and peace, the amazing life lessons they continually teach me… And then there are the times I’m completely and utterly overwhelmed and secretly wonder What in the…