By Stephanie (I wrote this post last year as I was expecting my fourth child, my first girl.) Stephanie is having a girl. I will have a daughter. I think I’m still in shock, to be honest. I never thought of myself as a Mom to a girl. It makes me think about the daughter…
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By Stephanie It’s not that we think dyeing eggs or candy-filled Easter baskets are wrong. It just isn’t a tradition we’ve really done with our boys. Maybe we will next year or someday if the mood strikes us. But today they don’t know any different, and I saved money and sanity- no Easter grass to…
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By Stephanie My Christmas tree is still up. I do have a goal to take it down this week. Maybe even today. For real. There’s just been so many other things going on that have ranked higher on the priority list. Like napping. My boys’ school has a rule that when it’s your child’s birthday…
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By Stephanie I’ve asked Kim from Prairie Mama to guest post today. She has one of those blogs where I stepped into her words and then wanted to read everything she’s written. Enjoy. Once upon a time, there was a woman. She liked to knit. She liked to knit a lot. She had these two…
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By Stephanie Today was Gretchen’s day to post, but she has a very good reason to take the day off- oh, say 6 lbs and some sweet little fingers and toes of a good reason- as she just gave birth to her new baby son Archie. It wasn’t without much excitement and prayers and fanfare!…
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By Stephanie In just a few hours this year comes to a close. It was a pretty good year for me. I was pregnant for most of it and then birthed my first daughter. I made friends and lost some friends. And truthfully I saw more heartache and pain in the lives of many than…
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By Stephanie So, this is Christmas. Christmas break, that is. It’s negative 5 degrees outside right now and I’m not going anywhere. Me and four kids stuck in the house for the next two weeks. HELP! I have been really working on my patience and saying YES more to fun things that they want to…
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By Stephanie Every December 31st without fail I have certain goals in my head- resolutions for the New Year to come. And almost always they are great things to aspire to, but not always reasonable. And by February are long forgotten. I’m not talking about promising myself to join the gym and fit into my…
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By Stephanie Carter lost my sunglasses in Famous Footwear the other day. Doing some last minute shoe shopping (with no success), it was hot, I’m pregnant, and three boys shooting this way and that throughout a shoe store had me way over the edge. I will be honest- although I am also ashamed of it-…
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By Stephanie For most Americans this Thursday is the big day of scrambling to visit family and eat lots of food you normally only eat on this special occasion. It’s also a day for giving thanks, another thing we might not normally do on any other day. Why don’t we eat more pumpkin pie? And…
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