Category Archives: A Good Laugh


By Sarah Fader “Ari, don’t put clay on your chalkboard.” “Why?” “Because it doesn’t belong there.” “Why?” “Because you play with clay at the table, not on the chalkboard.” “Why?” “Please stop asking ‘why?’ I don’t have another answer.” “Why?” “Grrrr!” Anyone else experiencing this? Sarah Fader records anecdotes from her daily life at at…

I’m a Drill Sergeant …I Mean a Mom!

By Sarah Fader I had a realization today. Ari is getting away with a lot. There are several reasons for this: 1. I’m 8 1/2 months pregnant and too tired to fight with him 2. Two-year-olds are inherently exhausting creatures 3. Being a mom takes discipline and I just want to take a big old…