
By Sarah Fader

“Ari, don’t put clay on your chalkboard.”
“Because it doesn’t belong there.”
“Because you play with clay at the table, not on the chalkboard.”
“Please stop asking ‘why?’ I don’t have another answer.”

Anyone else experiencing this?

Sarah Fader records anecdotes from her daily life at at Old School New School Mom. She also currently runs blog workshops for elementary school children in New York City and provides freelance transcription services for major television networks, in between running after a two year old.

5 Responses to Why?
  1. melissa aka equidae
    December 31, 2010 | 5:17 am

    so far we haven’t hit that stage LOL but it is unnerving when it happens I am sooo sure 🙂 sending you patience

  2. The Dreamer
    January 1, 2011 | 5:10 pm

    I always answer: “Why do YOU think such and such does such and such?”

    Turn the tables! 😉

  3. Anitra
    January 3, 2011 | 9:37 am

    Dreamer: I do this, too. Why do YOU think that is?

  4. bingo template
    April 11, 2012 | 1:49 pm

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