Author Archives: Megan

One Spring Forward, Two Left Back

By Megan So, I abandoned my children. Left ’em back in Central Standard Time last weekend (and I don’t even miss ’em!) Prior to the big change-over to CDT, our family’s daily life had become a stubborn, gnarled hair ball of hard schedule items and all of those equally important but softer to-dos that had…

On-line Babysitter Referral Services: One Mom’s Experience

By Megan For Christmas this past December, I gave Al a series of 6 dates (with me!) that started in January and run through June. I ordered tickets and gift cards for each of them and put them in separate tiny gift bags that I hung all over the tree Christmas Eve. I was excited…

Just Us One

By Megan I took a little day trip away from my family this weekend. I’d not been away from Peabody for this long since he was about six months old. In fact, except for while we’re both sleeping at night, I’m almost never apart from him – he’s my constant companion from dawn until dusk…

His First Model for Intimacy and Love

By Megan “If a mother is the main caregiver, a boy will see her as his first model for intimacy and love. From toddlerhood on, if she sets limits with her son firmly, but without hitting or shaming him, he will take this in stride. He will want to please her, and he will be…

The New Generation of Secure Parents. Day One.

By Megan As I’ve struggled lately with my sense of value and worthiness and significance, it’s come fully and forcefully to my attention that the time has well and truly come to face these issues in myself head on. What once were a flock of annoying crows that’d swoop down to land on my tiny…

Big, Big Love

By Megan I spent Valentine’s Day in bed (sick), sipping a little of the bubbly (gingerale), and it was HOT (101.2 to be exact). Okay so not exactly the kind of day a woman like me imagines immediately when you mention February 14th, but also, in retrospect, a day full of sweetness. It’s true that…

This Tiny Acre

By Megan I’ve been struggling lately with a feeling I’ve been unable define, but this week, after a few heart-to-hearts with my very best friend, I’ve come to the conclusion that this ache in my soul boils down to one of insignificance. All around me it seems, the world and the people in it work…

The Big Aha

By Megan First, I want to thank Steph for her post in support of my journey to the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure! It’s wonderful to have friends who get excited about our passions along with us, isn’t it? And I think that’s been the big AHA for me as I’ve started digging…

Only Their Eyes Be Opened

By Megan Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man’s sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true. —…


By Megan Saturday was “un-decorating” day at our house. It’s a job I’ve dreaded every single year since I was a a little kid. I hate that it’s all over so soon. When Bean asked, out of nowhere, if we could watch old home videos of her as a baby while we did the dreaded…