Written on
February 24, 2009 by
By Veronica We do not have a television. We did not have high-minded reasons for pitching the tv. We did it for one reason only: whenever I have a tv, I watch garbage. For hours. Afterwards, I can not even tell you what I saw. Now we entertain ourselves with the internet. Whether it’s blogging…
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Written on
February 17, 2009 by
By Veronica A while back, I took my two oldest girls with me to a chocolate shop. I don’t want to mislead you; this is not a common occurrence. My girls are not compliant little angels who float in and out of candy stores without slavering or mussing their wings. But every now and then,…
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February 10, 2009 by
By Veronica You may have seen the articles popping up on news sites for the last few years. Maybe you’ve even received a sanctimonious lecture from a family member, friend or a stranger in the grocery store. Whether you’ve already received the memo or not, the word is out: having too many children hurts the…
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By Veronica Ten years ago, Az the Husband brought me a gift of chocolates on Valentine’s Day. Our tender gifts still conformed to expectations: chocolates, jewelry, romantic dinners, etc. Now that we have been married for thirteen years, we get more sentimental over an unexpected basket of folded laundry or an afternoon to indulge in…
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By Veronica There is something about having three kids. Having one was hard; that sudden switch from non-parent to parent exhausts everybody who experiences it. Two had its challenges; I could no longer focus on meeting the needs of just one kid. Everything had to be shared. But three. Three was a whole new ballgame….
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By Veronica Is it ever okay to compare your children? Because I do it. There are the obvious things that are just part of getting to know your kids: this one is more stubborn than that one, this one needs cuddles more often than the others, this one is a great eater while the others…
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By Veronica My oldest daughter, five-year-old JellyBean loves the story of Moses’ birth. Unfortunately, when she is acting out this story, she does not play Miriam or Jochebed or Moses. Instead, she strips down to a shirt tied around her waist, puts a pair of pants on her head for a headdress, and pretends that…
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Written on
December 30, 2008 by
By Veronica Yesterday, I had a tubal ligation. My friend Deb drove me to a small medical center where an anesthesiologist put me under and my OBGYN zapped my fallopian tubes. The hospital where my babies were born is a Roman Catholic hospital, so the procedure could not be done there. At this point in…
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Written on
December 16, 2008 by
By Veronica She is an old woman, tiny and bent, with white hair and enormous glasses. Her name is Betty. She is the dragon of the Fellowship Hour. Every Sunday our church has a feast of potluck snacks after the worship service. We crowd into the Fellowship Hall and stand in line for our chance…
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Written on
December 10, 2008 by
By Veronica Last week I tried to make bread. I used to bake my own bread quite often. I enjoyed the feeling of secret competence that came with kneading the dough: pressing the heel of my hand deeply into it, folding it over, pressing again, pounding out whatever frustrations I had. It was cathartic. I…
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