Author Archives: Beck

My Valentine

By Beck I am planning on making chocolate cake this weekend – a mocha cake with multiple layers of buttercream frosting. I saw the recipe in a magazine for people with gluten-free diets, and The Baby pointed at the picture – glossy and perfect – and said “Make me this.” Well, it IS Valentine’s Day this…


By Beck This week saw some Medical Excitement for me – I phoned the local clinic, because I’d had severe chest pains for several days and my ARM had gone numb and that was it, I was having a heart attack, and the local clinic was like GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM RIGHT NOW so…


By Beck The phone rang very early this morning, which made me reach for it with that feeling of impending doom. What horror would I hear? It was my daughter’s best friend. She needed a vegetable peeler for school. Ah. So after phoning my own mother – I only own one vegetable peeler, which the…

The Family Face

By Beck I posted one of the super-rare pictures of my kids yesterday, because it was my son’s birthday and he asked me, wistfully, why I never put pictures of him on my blog. And so I spent the rest of the day receiving very nice comments over how much people think he looks like me…

Everything Must Go

By Beck Recently it has been very very very obvious that puberty is lurking right around the corner in my house. My oldest child is turning 11 in a few months and in most ways still seems like a little kid with her dolls still carefully lined up on her shelf, rolling snowmen out in…

The Best Of A Bad Year

By Beck It is THE LAST DAY! I am so excited! And that excitement has made me feel unexpectedly generous towards the old year. There were, I am thinking now, many nice things in it, and it would be nice to remember them briefly before blowing one final raspberry at 2009 and, as The Queen…


By Beck It is very, very early in the morning. I am up and writing because I have so much planned for today that this – this time of day I normally use for sleeping – is the only time I have to write. And this is how you can tell that it’s getting very…

Worried Birds

By Beck It was a snow day yesterday, which meant that my oldest child was home from school and that I declared a house-wide break from all schoolwork and THIS meant that I spent all day listening to my kids fight and by the end of the day I was making mental lists of other…

All is calm, all is well

By Beck It’s suddenly snowy and my house is covered in a crazy, Clark Griswald amount of Christmas lights and we play Christmas music all day long, of course, and there is one Christmas song that makes me have to retreat and cry EVERY time I hear it. And is some haunting medieval carol, song…

Merry And Bright

The first Sunday of Advent is THIS WEEKEND! Well, that was fast. I love everything about the Christmas season – I love singing carols and wrapping presents and drinking eggnog (sometimes. Sometimes eggnog is like a big cup of snot.) and I love watching the same old Christmas shows every year. I love tradition and…