By Sarah Fader
I am now five months pregnant with my second baby, a girl, and I am hormonal as ever. I can cry at the drop of a hat. I wasn’t like this when I was pregnant with Ari. During my first pregnancy, I was more aggressive than anything else. I was blunt, confident and nobody would dare mess with me. I was a pregnant superhero.
This pregnancy, I feel more like a damsel in distress. I’m an emotional roller coaster. Unfortunately, poor Ari has to see my go through these crying fits. I don’t know exactly what to do when I am “touched” with emotion. When Ari sees me cry he says:
“Don’t cry mommy! You don’t cry.”
But the truth is, I do cry. And I cry a lot at this point in time. I mean, I’m normally a sensitive person, but this is overwhelming. Tiny little things make me cry. Things that (probably) wouldn’t bother me if there weren’t a fetus, and raging hormones around.
So, I have a question for all you mommies out there, pregnant or not. What do you do when you feel the need to cry in front of your kids?
Sarah Fader records anecdotes from her daily life at at Old School New School Mom. She also currently runs blog workshops for elementary school children in New York City and provides freelance transcription services for major television networks, in between running after a two year old.
Since my kids are a bit older, they can understand sadness or grief, so I explain to them. Sometimes I can not help the tears (usually I never cry but when I DO need to cry, there is no stopping it.) And honestly when I do explain to them and talk to them about it, I usually feel better. Something about the tender heart and understanding of a child… makes everything a little better.
My third pregnancy was the same way–I was constantly either crying, or angry. I felt like I had no control of my emotions! It was kind of scary for me, as a matter of fact–I’m used to being a level-headed person, not a drama queen. I generally tried to hide it as best as I could from my older girls because I didn’t want to upset them, but I know they saw it sometimes. They were 4 and 2 at the time, and they don’t seem to remember it now; they never mention it anyway. And thankfully, my emotions returned to an even keel! My husband sure remembers it though. He shudders if I even mention another pregnancy 🙂
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