By Stephanie
So, the other day Gray swallowed a penny. Darn it if I thought I’d get to bypass this milestone. What kind of Mother am I that my three year old was able to put a penny in his mouth and swallow it? On my watch! Well, I’m the Mother of a three-year old, that’s what kind I am.
I don’t know about you but my three year old might be part monkey, and one day I found him on top of the stove (it was off) and another time he was scaling the fridge, so anyway. There’s not much out of his reach.
I thank God that I can laugh and write about the ingestion and later exit of a penny and not instead read about its tragedy in a headline in the news. But, in all seriousness, we avoid and fight head on dangers every single day. Sometimes parenting feels like I’m just doing my best to get them (and me) to survive until Daddy gets home.
My heart aches for those not so lucky.
Stephanie Precourt is the managing editor of 5 Minutes For Parenting and also blogs at Adventures In Babywearing.
With that kind of climbing ability, it is totally not your fault that he swallowed a penny on your watch. It gives new meaning to the phrase “It will pass,” though, doesn’t it?
Sorry, that was lame!
You are normal – the imperfect parent we all thought we were – BEFORE we had kids – lol.
P.S. I hope you threw the penny away – lol!
You mean it can still happen so late in life? I was hoping by 26 months we were past all chances of such a thing happening!
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