By Megan
What a busy, fun, exciting week we have before us. Just like everyone else, I’m running around trying to get all the last minute details wrapped up, but I wanted to share a few of my family’s favorite holiday traditions and ask everyone to share their own in the comments. It’s not too late to get a few ideas to make the next few days even more memorable, meaningful and wonderful than ever, so please share your ideas for everyone to see!
1. On one evening the first week in December, Al and I have a special date each year. I make a heaping plate of little snacks and appetizers, we pour ourselves a couple glasses of wine, and we curl up on the sofa in the glow of the pretty lights on the Christmas tree and have a little light dinner while we listen to and read all the words to Handel’s Messiah. The first time we did this, I surprised Al with his wedding ring, so he could try it on and make sure it fit before our wedding a few days later. I love having traditions that bring back such wonderful, sweet memories.
2. Bean has loved candy canes since almost the very beginning of her little life. I adore how she lights up every time she sees one. So starting her second Christmas, in addition to delivering the Big Present and stuffing the stocking and leaving a heartfelt note of gratitude, wisdom, and reflection, Santa also hangs plentitudenous big candy canes all over our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve night.
3. On that same night, Bean puts out the traditional cookies and milk for Santa, along with carrots and water for his reindeer, all in a special sectioned Christmas tray. With the help of a small drop of red food coloring, the water gets pink when Rudolph accidentally dips his nose in it while he’s drinking. Our kids love this little magical tradition and pronounce it quite nifty on Christmas morning!
4. Every year, as he did at my house growing up, Santa leaves a letter wedged into the branches of the tree. In it, Santa responds to the letters written and left for him Christmas Eve by the family-members-in-residence. He also recaps the past year’s highlights, lauds the accomplishments and special events in our lives, and reminds us that although we love and enjoy the tradition of Santa, it’s the birth of Christ we celebrate most at this time of year. My Dad always wrote the funniest, smartest, most moving Santa letters when I was a kid. I’m sure mine pale in comparison, but I’m doing everything I can to maintain this aged and important tradition at my house.
So, what are some of your favorite family traditions this time of year?
Find Megan blogging at FriedOkra.
I wish we had traditions for my little girl. It seems we’re always in transit and can’t even do the gift thing in a big way because there’s no room for extra stuff in our luggage. But we do have a little crocheted nativity set we use for telling the story, and I have some photo frame ornaments that I’ll add a photo to each year, so she’ll have one for each Christmas.
Every year the Saturday after Thanksgiving we put up the tree as a family and drag out all the decorations to put up. It takes us a half a day to do but during the whole process we take lots of pics for me to scrapbook and at the very end we stand in front of the tree and take a family photo. Another one is every year we buy a new ornament sometimes more than one to add to our already full tree.